Last 8 months of Bangalore stay was great. Weather, food, people in Bangalore were really awesome. I will surely cherish my professional experience also for all the good and bad reasons.
For me food has always been very important...go anywhere what matters most to me is food I get. I came to bangalore expecting some problems in that regard but to my surprise I got and njoyed very tasty - delicious food here.
My roommates Subhas, Vinit, Bhavesh and for sometime Vippu were great guys/cooks who like to prepare at home...Me too started with washing utensils and promoted to prepare at least Poha. We prepared some dishes which I bet are very rare to get at Bachelor accomodation like Handava,Dhokala, Khichadi-Kadhi . भरल्या-भेंडीची भाजी at bachelor stay was really unexpected. Poha/Maggy और अदरक-वाली चाय was very much regular breakfast. In fact Adrak-Pudhina waali chaay was the best learning in Blore stay :-) It really refreshes you a lot. Such delicious food must be the only reason for good belly I am having.
Professionally also this stay was quite good. Got new friends in office. Alay was always there to solve any problem at work. Koustubh was there to cool down my temper. Even in bad days at stockmarket, discussions with Shreyas were really helpful. His forwards were very much informative. Forward messages received from my friends Nikhil and Nandu were really good one. Chit-Chat and all the PJs with my friend and cubicle-mate Elzi was very cool and relaxing time of rotation.
My dear friend Sachin Dharmapurikar was also here for almost 6 months so it was like back to good old Hyderabad days.
Best part of Bangalore stay was IISc. Thanks to Saurya for calling me there, otherwise its really impossible for a muggle like me to get into that magic land.
Weather at Bangalore is undoubtedly very uncharacteristic of Southern India. It rains at least once in every month; be it March or November. It cools down very fast just like Pune (Couldn't help it)...
Lastly couple of snaps from Bangalore, I am sure very rare to see somewhere else in India...Its the beauty of Bangalore ...Thanks again... 

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